RINGAAL IS A small bamboo,varying between three and five metres in lenghts,found in the hills of Uttaranchal.The pithy stalk is flattened.The outer skin is made into splits and interlaced into carrying baskets,containers,mats and winnows.Ringaal varies according to the altitude at which it grows.The ghad ringaal or kathin ringaal from which baskets are generally made grows in the lower altitudes (3000 to 5000 feet) in both Kumaon and Garhwal.The finer dev ringaal which splits cleanly in found at higher altitudes in Kumaon.Farmers fetch the ringaal from the forest in October to November and weave baskets in the winter when there is not much work in the fields.The warp splits are beaten to remove the pith and flattern them.The ribs are only partially cleaned.The weave has spokes and grows spirally,strengthened at the base and rim with extra weft twined weave called tyal.The tyal splits face outwards accentuating the difference in weave with textural contrasts.Some baskets are ornamental with complex weaves and open weaves.

Dvaks are made from two baskets fitted into each other,the finer one inside,and bound at the rim with reeds.Winnows are woven in a close weave twill pattern.Mats are made by weaving spliced ringaal in a basket weave pattern.In traditional two-storey houses,the flooring is made from a ringaal mat plastered with mud.Ornamentation by way of colour use splits blackened with pine bark smoke.Pink bark is heavy in oil content and gives off a shine as well.
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